How to seek advice
Every effort will be made to keep your personal information and discussion with us confidential.
About our Counseling Advice
When you believe your human rights have been infringed -including sexual harassment and sexual violence-, you may feel difficulties in speaking it out to someone, preventing you from having access to psychological support and other kinds of resources. Please do not hesitate to contact us. You can seek counseling by phone or e-mail. You are also welcome to visit us and meet with one of our advisors. Every effort will be made to keep your personal information and discussion with us confidential.
What can you discuss with us?
- Sexual harassment and sexual violence
Rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment (i.e., unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature), dating violence, stalking, trauma from sexual violence, and issues regarding sexuality (e.g., sexual orientation) and gender identity.
- Other human right issues
Various kinds of human rights issues at the university, such as unfair treatment, harassment, discrimination based on race, nationality, and disabilities.
- Complaints
Complaints about unfair actions or unreasonable administrative system of the university, conflicts between members of the SNU.
Who are eligible for our counseling service?
Any member of the SNU including students, academic staff (faculty), and administrative staff. You can seek a counseling session or report an incident to the Center, in case that any of victims and alleged wrongdoers is a member of the SNU.
In case of sexual harassment or sexual violence
Phone : +82-2-880-2424, 2425, 2426
Visit in-person: Room 305, 312 and 313, Woojungwon (Building 153)
E-mail :
In case of other human rights abuse or complain
Phone : +82-2-880-2422, 2423
Visit in-person : Room 303 and 315, Woojungwon (Building 153)
* To arrange a meeting with one of our advisors, please make a reservation in advance by phone.
* Office Hours: 10:00 ~ 17:00, Monday through Friday